Hold Me Down
By VanessaTheAuthor
  • General Fiction
  • death
  • drugs
  • generalfiction
  • ghetto
  • hood
  • love
  • money
  • part2
  • urban


Essence Johnson is back out into the real world as bad as ever. With her baby boy Domani and her son's father and husband, Damian by her side, she's on top. After holding her man down by taking a 2 year bid, at the age of 23, she is able to relax and finally live the care free life, while her husband holds her down this time around. Damian has vowed to give her everything she's ever asked for without her having to lift a finger. The money is good in the club business, but what happens when it's shut down for a shooting investigation? Ain't no easy money, like drug money. Damian strays back into his old ways, but will Essence approve? She wanted the best for her family, and drug dealing was not apart of that equation. "I want you to hold me down, but if it means selling drugs, I don't want it" Essence has held Damian down for the last 2 years, but will he be able to do the same for her, while staying out of both prison and a graveyard? Book 2 of 3. Copyright2015 VANESSA WRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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Hold Me D...
by VanessaTheAuthor