The soccer life
By Dauntlesschick26
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As the score was tied 10-10, sweat started dripping down my face as the opposing team was coming down the field with the ball. They were now at the 18 yard line about to make the shot when Britney came out of no where and took the ball away, brought it up the field, and shot the game winning shot. With twelve seconds left on the clock, the kicked the ball to their mid-fielder and did the "scissor" trick. After the trick she started to run up the field getting ready to shoot on me. She shot. I jumped and hit the ball, and the next thing I new the refs. Whistle blew, the ball was up in the air and landed behind the goal, and my team rushing to me cheering. I have to admit it was a nail biter because when it was tied all you could here were the parents going, "c'mon, c'mon, GET THE BALL IN THE GOAL!!!" Which also put ALOT of pressure on us. Having ten shots scored on me is not fun, especially when the coach has to give you a 30 minute lecture about what I had done wrong.


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The socce...
by Dauntlesschick26