What Is It With You
By supernatural-fanfic
  • Fanfiction
  • deanwinchester
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • jaredpadalecki
  • jensenackles
  • jensenackleslovestory
  • jensenlovestory
  • love
  • mishacollins
  • supernatural
  • supernaturallovestory
  • teenfiction
  • winchester


Sarah James is your normal 19 year old girl(almost)her medical condition made it where she had to be homeschooled with not much money for her family to go on after the hospital bills came in but she was still happy (in her own way) she spent her time online,watching tv,reading and enjoying her favorite show(supernatural)she always dreamed of meeting the cast but mostly Jensen Ackles then it happen the day she was dreaming of her parents some how managed to get her a ticket to a convention so next thing she knew she was flying out to finally get to meet them.It was just as she imagined fans everywhere hundreds of things to do and all the favorite cast member were there,she was having the time of her life and then she finally got to meet Jensen and everything as she knew it would change after that moment on.The star finds something different about this girl and that something different he really liked and wanted it know more about this not so normal girl.This is a Jensen Ackles love story

Chapter one: The Big Day

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What Is I...
by supernatural-fanfic