Night Crawler
By DeathGod980
  • Romance
  • hurt
  • spirits
  • supernatural
  • vampires
  • werewolves


It's the year 3050. It's tough. Watching your back all the time, fighting to survive all the time and let's not forget having to be on guard all the time, tensed to see if around the next corner, something would be waiting to kill you. Well. That's life. Things weren't always this way though. There was a time where we had everything we needed, and we took it all for granted. I mean, I heard that people even had special tissues to wipe their arses with back then. That is a luxury no one can have now. Ever since the Earth shattered. When all the tectonic plates in the world clashed together. But, not only did it bring the ruin of man-kind, it also brought forth creatures from the depths of the Earth. When the ground split open, creatures from another world came out. Bloodthirsty. No, not for Chihuahuas, but for humans. Unlucky us, Eh?


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Night Cra...
by DeathGod980