Let Me Be Your Leth...
By littlelysslaufeyson
  • Romance
  • 1987
  • 80s
  • cinema
  • comedy
  • cops
  • dannyglover
  • fanfiction
  • lethal
  • lethalweapon
  • melgibson
  • weapon


Roughly a year ago, a veteran cop and aging family man, Roger Murtaugh, was partnered with a young loose cannon, Martin Riggs who had recently lost his wife in an accident. And while they didn't have much in common, they made one hell of a team, stopping the criminals that roam the streets of L.A. as they gradually became more and more like brothers. There were no other cops like the dynamic duo. That was, until they were teamed up with a female form of Riggs. Lisa Cabrera is a young spark plug, uncannily like Riggs. She's stunning, feisty and would soon become Riggs' weakness. But not before the two go through a period of pure hate for each other. Their equaling personalities will clash, only to make Riggs realize that he has finally met his match.

First Impression

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Let Me Be...
by littlelysslaufeyson