When Dreams and Rea...
By Fangirlie101
  • Teen Fiction
  • boyxboy
  • bxb
  • gay
  • homosexuality
  • jonah
  • lgbt
  • love
  • malexmale
  • mxm
  • owen
  • slash
  • yaoi
  • yoai


Owen Young is the student body president of Ford High School, always looking at looking at the realistic parts of life, never having a dream of his own after his father crushed them at a young age. He has always tried to follow in his father’s footsteps, leading for some of the important parts of his life to be missed do to the lack of desire for fun in his life. Where as Jonah Crowe is the quiet and free spirited artist, always looking at the aspects of life so that they are malleable in his own hands. When Owen starts to have feelings for Jonah, he being the school’s out in the open bisexual where as Owen as never dated anyone, will he begin to live his own life for once?

When Dreams and Reality Meet (BoyxBoy)

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When Drea...
by Fangirlie101