Gay Love Story
By Fr0z3nM0mma
  • Teen Fiction
  • boys
  • completedgaystory
  • gay
  • gaylove
  • love
  • lovestory
  • romance
  • sexscenes
  • sexy
  • story


This is the story of Billy Carmedy and Aaron Sorensen. It's tough enough to be a straight boy in a small town high school looking for the love of your life. But at least your possible loves are all out in the open. It's much, much tougher when you're a 17 year-old gay boy, part of only 10% or less of the school population and your possible loves are all in hiding, just as you are, due to the fear of being socially ostracized, laughed at, condemned and physically harassed by your peers. Add to this mix the complete rejection of Aaron by his parents due to religious bigotry when he trustingly came out to them and you have the challenging but beautiful story of how two personable and intelligent gay boys circuitously find each other and somehow survive. If you're looking for descriptions of hot teen gay sex, this is not the story for you.

Chapter 1

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Gay Love...
by Fr0z3nM0mma