Fantasy High
By pygmypuffpotter54
  • Fanfiction
  • avengers
  • doctor
  • doctorwho
  • harrypotter
  • highschool
  • merlin
  • sherlock
  • startrek


Elizabeth Watts has been selected to attend the well sought-after high-school, Fantasy High. Lizzy is smart and has high hopes for her studies when she starts her first day of Year 9 at the school. Lizzy quickly discovers the school is far from normal. The students in her classes are some of the quirkiest and individual characters she has ever had the fortune/misfortune to meet. In her old school, she was the best at science and then Lizzy meets Tony Stark, the rich kid, and Bruce Banner, the poor boy with a serious temper. Natasha Romanoff quickly takes any hopes of Lizzy making a name for herself as the best girl at sport and young Sherlock Holmes steals her English throne. Join Lizzy as she discovers the heartbreaks, new friendships, and the weirdest trips at Fantasy High. *I don't own any of the Sherlock, Marvel, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Merlin, Harry Potter characters or any of the other characters I don't own*

Class 9A

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Fantasy H...
by pygmypuffpotter54