The Mafia's Pr...
By MistyMe15
  • General Fiction
  • italian
  • mafia
  • precious
  • tmpd


Meet Ariana Whites a normal 21 year old woman, living in New York,working hard to make ends meet. Her whole life changed when she was kidnapped by 4 bank robbers. Just being at the bank at the wrong time could lead to her whole life changing and her identity a complete lie! What will she think when she learns that the past that she grew up with was all fake...and...for what protection?! Contains graphic depictions of strong language, violence and/or mature themes, etc **** All Rights Reserved Copyright© The places mentioned in this book is either used in reality or part of the author's imagination If there seems to be anything that is mentioned in other books and it is mentioned here. It will have to be consider as a consequence. This story belongs to MistyMe15 and if anything that is a part of/ from this book, will be consider as plagiarism which is illegal and you can be charged.

Chapter 1: Kidnappings and Intros

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The Mafia...
by MistyMe15