Your Wish Is My Com...
By RamsayFiction
  • Romance
  • bdsm
  • behave
  • dominance
  • obedience
  • pleasure
  • submission
  • teaching
  • training


I stood in the middle of the hallway on the fifth, and top, floor of our mansion; my heart pounding madly within my chest. The hallway was home to six different doors, each which led to a room containing secrets I was forbidden to question. Sometimes sounds would echo through the crack beneath the door, but I would never question them, for I was not supposed to have heard them. I bit my lower lip nervously as I pressed my ear against the door in front of me, hoping for a clue as to what occurs from within. As I leaned against the thick oak door it opened slightly, and I was met with the sound of heavy breathing and skin slapping against skin. Taking a deep, calming breath, I peeked through the open space into the room before me and was met with a rather unexpected image.


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Your Wish...
by RamsayFiction