The heart of the al...
By Aemtha
  • Fanfiction
  • america
  • awesome
  • btt
  • canada
  • child
  • china
  • complete
  • countries
  • england
  • france
  • germany
  • hetalia
  • hungary
  • italy
  • japan
  • magic
  • prussia
  • reader
  • russia


A not so young country, Gleonia, named (Y/n) popped back up in the world and I mean came back from the dead kind of thing. Shocking all countries except her brothers, Buswil and Asnor. But what if you came back as a child? And no memories of them at all? Will the countries be able to hold theirselves and try not to scare such a child like you? After all, you are the prized possession of your other two twin brothers. The heart of the alliance. The bridge to the secret weapon when it comes to war. This is your story but this is my plot. This is not an OC x hetalia... I thought that maybe you'll be confused what kind of country name you'd like or what the names of your brothers. So I'm doing you a favor to save up all the troubles of making names. So this is really a Hetalia x reader fanfic Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia. I do not own you (reader-chan) either because you have rights as a human and I don't own the pictures.

Chapter 1: the whisper

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The heart...
by Aemtha