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I'm a Jamaican, so I mostly listen to: Hip hop, dancehall and reggae if you know this songs already and love it, MI LOVE YUH! if you just learning about them, hope u like it. if you dont like them none at all, STOP READ MI BOOK! go on youtube to see the videos for the songs, cause i cant bother to put up any. And if you dont know the songs at all, GO LOOK FI DEM NOW! and learn something from it. BIG-UPS and BLESSINGS to those who love the uplifting and righteous music. Reggae. And of course there will be some dancehall and hip hop songs which aren't a bit...... righteous. if you know some songs and like for me to put them up, tell mi, please mek me look up the lyrics for u. ANY song is fine with me.
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