Love is Madness
By insoucianthavoc
  • Teen Fiction
  • bestfriends
  • family
  • fighting
  • friends
  • heartache
  • heartbreak
  • insanity
  • lissa
  • love
  • mad
  • madness
  • mikhael
  • relationships
  • secrets


Lissa can't do it anymore. She can't deal, she can't love Mikhael without losing who she really is, she can no longer handle that she might fail to save him, might lose him forever, so she walks out of his life. Lissa makes the choice before it is taken away from her. But Mikhael loves her too much. Loving him is dangerous. Loving will consume her. She can't help but love him, love him until she feels like she might shatter, so how can she stay away? This is the summer when everything went to pieces. These are the nights when madness throbs in veins, when rules are ignored, when hearts are fractured, when desires are ignited. This is the summer of blood and bruises, of smoke and sea and stars, of love and heat and infinity; the summer where Lissa almost lost everything. They always thought they'd grow old together, love each other forever, but they forgot something. True love is not real, until it is madness. "I can't be perfect," he yelled. "I'm not a fucking angel, you hear me, Lissa? I'm no angel!" "You look like one." she whispered. "What?" he said and whirled round to her. "What did you say?" "You look like an angel," she repeated. "Why can't you be one?" There. Now he knew what she thought of him. All rights reserved.©

1: This is the Eñd

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Love is M...
by insoucianthavoc