5 Million Years
By emmmastar
  • Science Fiction
  • alien
  • betrayal
  • earth
  • experiment
  • future
  • genesis
  • kidnapped
  • leadership
  • love
  • planet
  • romance
  • selection
  • space
  • spaceship


It's 2238 and the Earth is dying. The government has funded a space shuttle to travel across the galaxy to a new planet that they are 86% sure can support life. However, they only have time to make one shuttle before the Earth's atmosphere isn't stable enough to launch anything. Thousands want to go but obviously there is a limited number of spots, so the government came up with a system. In order to maintain diversity and culture on this new planet the governments of the world joined together to randomly pick the 3000 that get to go. They choose people at random; they choose people of every race and religion, and intelligence level. They take anyone between the ages of 15 and 45. If you are selected you have no choice but to go. 16 year old Evelyn is selected and torn away from her family and thrust into the 5 million year journey to the new planet. But the planet is home to another race. How can the last of the human race survive? Read to find out. *I wrote this several years ago. Though I know there is no real conclusion or ending to this story, I will no longer be updating. Feel free to read and enjoy, but please do not ask me to update because I am focusing on other projects.

Chapter 1: Before

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5 Million...
by emmmastar