Not My Choice
By Twinling2
  • Romance
  • bonded
  • fiction
  • love
  • romance
  • shortstory
  • soul
  • soulmates
  • studentxteacher
  • tainted


How do you know if you are really in love? Some people can't see love even if it came up and kissed them on the mouth. Others think every person who blurts out the words "I love you" is their true love. Sasha's 17th birthday starts one of the most important day of her life. Today is the start of her life-long hunt to find her Chosen. Chosens can be commonly known as soul mates, but it is more, so much more than having your names written in the stars to come together as one. It is the way you are born. Your body is made to mold perfectly into your Chosen's arms, you're made to fit your Chosen's needs and desires, you are made to be in perfect balance. Those believing in the Bonds of a Chosen, and who wait for their Chosen are considered pure and deserving of their Chosen. Those who claim it to be fairytale, or give themselves to any other than their Chosen are Tainted. Tainteds can be the most painful Chosens of them all, and Sasha may just have to Bond with a Tainted.

Prologue~Talking to the Moon

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Not My Ch...
by Twinling2