Denouement Beauty {...
By ZuzuHiddles
  • Fanfiction
  • asgard
  • logyn
  • loki
  • marvel
  • narvi
  • sigyn
  • thor
  • vali


They say when you have children, everything changes - they are your world. For the newest King and Queen of Asgard, nothing could stand between them and their sons. Four years have passed since they were born and within those four years, much as changed. However even though years have passed, time stands still on Asgard, or at least Loki would like to think so. Sigyn , in spite of that, continues to raise their sons while wishing the King would be more involved with their lives. She knows better than he that they will not stay young forever. An old threat returns and promises to exact it's revenge upon the new royal family. The children's mysterious past and games are nothing compared with what beings to seep into the palace. Deals and shadows lurk around every corner. As the walls of Asgard grow louder with it's secrets, it's only a matter of time until the entire Kingdom comes crumbling down around them, claiming it's final victims. Is this how fairy tales are supposed to end? With death hanging over their heads with some deals made to be kept while others are broken? War has always accompanied the God of Mischief and Goddess of Fidelity; a constant chaos. A newly founded war continues to spread and threatens to decimate the kingdom one final time. Only the death of the one who started it all will be atonement for the kingdom's sins. This is the Denouement of Asgard. ∞ Takes place 4 years after "Desolate Beauty" ∞ ❦ PURE ILLUSION SERIES - • BOOK 1: Disfigured Beauty • BOOK 2: Disguised Beauty • BOOK 3: Destroyed Beauty • BOOK 4: Distorted Beauty • BOOK 5: Desolate Beauty • BOOK 6: Denouement Beauty ❦ Copyright © Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios Copyright © ZuzuHiddles Cover © Jemyart


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by ZuzuHiddles