World War Four
By CerealKiller14
  • Action
  • chrissy
  • war
  • wwiv
  • xavier


Meet Chrissy Staris, eighteen year old prisoner since the day she was born. Though confined to a small cell, she isn't about to let the men have their idiotic ways, no. She breaks out of the facility to start another revolution, one that this time won't fail. She’s planned every possible outcome, she’s bent around obstacles more than once to meet her goals. She’s cunning, she’s intelligent, she’s vainglorious. She also doesn’t swallow her pride- why should she if everything she’s worked so hard for has gone just as plan so far? Keywords- so far. By misfortune, a man somehow forced his way into Chrissy's plans, forcing her to tweak them. But she can make it work- he could be her best weapon. Nothing could stop her now, not her childish dreams, not the law, not the fear of failing. And maybe… there’s a lingering light for love. But that’s just maybe.

Prologue, Freedom & Barriers

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World War...
by CerealKiller14