The Gaps
By EvelineCross
  • Science Fiction
  • administration
  • apocolyptic
  • death
  • dystopia
  • hard
  • novel
  • post
  • sad
  • times
  • trouble-maker


**Work in progress** Alyssum, whose world was once lost is now more lost then ever as she gets thrown, kicking and screaming into a challenge she could have never seen coming, something that could mean the life or death of her entire colony. From out of the blue, a man takes control of Alyss's life, one that never seemed to be in her hands in the first place. He calls himself the Administrator. In a world destroyed and almost desolate, a small colony struggles to survive, but they’ve always scraped by. A book of rules sits on a pedestal at the municipal, covered in dust from ages of disregard. The singular punishment for being found insubordinate or lacking? Extinguishment. The Overseers, rulers of the fractured empire are the ones who order any retribution, keeping their safe distance, so their hands need not get dirtied. Under them, the administrators, cold hearted and unfeeling dealers of discipline. Though, the Overseers do give disobedient colonies a second chance. If it seems the town is lacking, an administrator does an assessment of the colony, and if all systems are sufficient, everything returns to normal for another year, if not, an Administrator is sent to take over.

The Gaps

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The Gaps
by EvelineCross