Lust Over Love
By AngiVonMonroe
  • Fantasy


All I could ask myself at this point was, why had I agreed to come here ? Why did I lure myself into such sin? Nevertheless, I was far from a religious girl, but I had my own moral standards and respect towards my religion. But now, apparently I had gone astray from my beliefs, and also my standards because I was here... at this audition. I had been jumpy all week, waiting for the outcome of this audition as it was something that would help me get out of this mess. Actually seeing the people here, I could see the picture of the audition and it was far from what I applied for. I decided to wear my silky, blonde hair straight as it usually was always in a curly mess. My makeup was different than usual, it was exotic (so not me, I always went with natural, but not today.) and I also decided to wear my black laced dress, which my fiancee had given me for my twenty fourth birthday. As I scanned the club, I found myself nibbling at my manicured nails. 'Stop!' I whispered to myself, I was getting too nervous at this point... I had to do something to ease my nerves. And so, I made my way toward the entrance so I could light up a cigarette "You cannot leave unattended, Miss" a harsh voice bellowed. Nonplussed, I glowered at him "Why not?" He shrugged at his jacket, "Rules Ma'am, cannot change 'em" I rolled my eyes and walked back inside. Okay, I was probably screwed to the bone because even if I wanted to leave, I could not do so. So yeah, I was fucked. This place was loaded with sex crazed people, and I quickly found myself lamenting the fact that I was stuck here. When then, out of nowhere... there he was. Standing opposite the bar looking, well no, taunting me with his angelic eyes, but behind his innocuous stair I could tell that he was trouble. He wore a suit that hugged his rigid body. Just looking at the man, made me quaver with horror. I was scared, because what had been planned for me tonight, was something I had not been ready for.

Lust Over Love

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Lust Over...
by AngiVonMonroe