Beauty is the Beast...
By Amaterasu
  • Fanfiction
  • beast
  • beauty
  • chunin
  • exams
  • fight
  • hisayo
  • kakashi
  • love
  • naruto
  • ookami
  • story
  • wolf
  • wolves


The sequel to Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi Love Story): Nearly two years after the events of Beauty is the Beast and the start of the Naruto series. Hisayo has made friends, but continues to deal with a few issues such her old clan and her own personal feelings for a certain Konoha shinobi. Akio continues to be a much needed parent though he too is dealing with his own feelings and a past, which continues to haunt him. Satoru has continued to keep a deadly alliance with a man so sinister, that the Hokage himself has been unable to defeat him. An unpleasent series of events will keep everybody on edge and put Hisayo at war with herself. Was it really worth staying in Konoha, especially after the very people she pledged her life to protect suddenly turn on her? Stuck between a world of humans and a world of demons...does she really belong anywhere at all?

Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi Love Story): Season 2 - Chapter 1

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Beauty is...
by Amaterasu