Damned Jackets [REW...
By categorycool
  • Romance
  • action
  • adult
  • alexandra
  • australia
  • bisexual
  • british
  • controlling
  • crime
  • daddario
  • dangerous
  • gangs
  • hate
  • lgbt
  • mafia
  • mc
  • money
  • murder
  • protect
  • thriller
  • violence


Finally landing herself a job in the middle of nowhere in Australia, Anne-Marie Bestens thought things were finally looking up in her damaged life. Dealing with a corrupt mother, disapproving father and absent military brother whilst drowning in costly bills, she thought she'd experienced it all. But when a life-threatening circumstance causes her to end up in hospital, she sees all money and meaning of safety slip through her fingers as the man that put her there - and others working alongside him - is beginning to execute a plan that will inevitably get her caught in trouble. Anne's the unwilling key to leading the state-wide chase away from a notorious gang that will control her life with secrets more dangerous than most. Her involvement in this calculated plan will stir dark things within this circle of criminals, causing unexpected brawls between friends and family and one illegal accident will have her on the run with these estranged bikies creating sexual tension, a string of violence and several brushes against death. Could any good come out of this? ▹ STATUS: HIATUS - UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING

Damned Jackets

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Damned Ja...
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