The story of my life
By brennaswanton123
  • Romance
  • cheaters
  • couple
  • cute
  • love
  • romance
  • suspenseful


A girl named Rachael falls in love with a cute quarterback, named Vince. Rachael is not the type of girl who would date a quarterback because she's a nerd. Vince has always had a crush on Rachael and never had the guts to admit it. They soon meet up and talk and she ends up dating Vince, until the new girl Lexi shows up and Rachael finds out that Vince is not the type of guy that she thought he was. Weeks later after Lexi shows up, a terrible incident happens to her mother. Rachael's whole world now revolves around her dad. Everyone at school teases her about not having a mother. Rachael ends up trying to cut herself because of the teasing. Her dad helps her and confronts the principal. The teasing stops. Rachael ends up moving to Paris but doesn't like it there. What will Rachael do next?


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The story...
by brennaswanton123