Sapphire Hand-Me-Do...
By ElizabethTrumpet
  • Fanfiction
  • anastasia
  • animagus
  • black
  • dumbledore
  • george
  • gryffindor
  • harry
  • hogwarts
  • lupin
  • music
  • potter
  • remus
  • sapphire
  • sirius
  • weasley


Her name is Anastasia Sapphire Smith. Actually, her last name is Black. Her biological father is Sirius Black, and her mother was Darina Krum. You must have some questions about this, no doubt. Darina was Viktor Krum's aunt. She was ½ Veela, therefore making Anastasia ¼ Veela. You're probably also wondering why I said 'was.' Darina was murdered when Anastasia was about 5 years old. She even has a scar from it on the inside of her right arm, just below her elbow. We shall go into more details upon that later. Anastasia has no recollection of who her real parents are. Soon after her mother was murdered, the Smith's took her away. They even had the poor girl's memory erased by a wizard they knew, so she thought that she was a Muggle for most of her life. They've also traveled quite a bit, never stopping in one place for too long. A little bit about our sweet Anastasia. She is of average height, has long curly black hair, much like her father's, and she has bright blue eyes like her mother. She loves animals and music. She's always trying to bring home an animal that has been stranded or injured, but her parents never let her keep them. We are going to start her tale now. Anastasia is now 11, and she is about to receive a letter that will change her life forever.

Chapter 1

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by ElizabethTrumpet