Through the eyes of...
By charlotterose33
  • Non-Fiction
  • ballet
  • dance
  • jazz
  • journal
  • pointe
  • school
  • tập


(COMPLETED) This is a journal of my coming up dance year. It will be written as if I am the dancer (which I am). I'm 15 and have been dancing for 9 years and am switching to a new studio this fall. I'm really excited to change though I have loved the studio I have been at for 8 years. I have taken Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Modern, and Hip hop. I'm currently taking Ballet Tap and Jazz. My all time favorite is Ballet though. :) I've been on pointe for three years and love it so much. I hope this gave you a little insider about my dancing so you can enjoy and be up to date when you read my journal. I will not be using any of the real names of the people in this story including my name and the names of the studios. I hope you enjoy! Much love, Charlotte Rose PS: A lot of the pictures will be of me. I will probably end up blurring it a little if there are other people's faces or any personal information. Yes the cover is a picture of me a few years ago. :)

Trying a new school

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Through t...
by charlotterose33