Effervescence Princ...
By Emikoda
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • battle
  • dark
  • dystopian
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • girl
  • king
  • kingdom
  • kingdoms
  • medieval
  • prince
  • princess
  • princesses
  • queen
  • royals
  • royalty
  • shield
  • society
  • war


Saegia may be a small kingdom, but it's like its own little world. War can wage on all around them, but Saegians will be oblivious inside their borders - this is thanks to the Shield. The Saegian Shield is the millitary, but they aren't like any military in the other kingdoms. They are elusive and seemingly invincible, and they live and die for the Royals. Seventeen-year-old Anastas of Fern Valley hasn't always had her sights set on this path. She has never given much thought to Royalty. Her sister, Jillie, was the one who longed to join the Shield two years before. She signed up only to be rejected and forced into the life of an impoverished village woman. With prejudice and abuse all around her, and the kingdom's peace about to shatter, Anastas is forced to think - what does she truly want for herself and her village, and where does she belong? Will she let herself be molded to suit a dull and meaningless life of grey and white, or will she paint life with her own colour?


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by Emikoda