Mind vs. Body: My O...
By MitchLadymanInk
  • Adventure
  • acrobatics
  • arts
  • bmx
  • competition
  • dance
  • dancing
  • enduro
  • fighting
  • free
  • martial
  • moto
  • muay
  • parkour
  • racing
  • running
  • thai
  • trials


I think that I have finally discovered the truest indicator that one is over his mid-life crisis. When you are desperately trying to re-live the greatest moments of your youth and, whilst doing so, you are behaving like you are half your age, then you are in the middle of a mid-life crisis. However, when you are trying to relive those moments and you are fully aware that you no longer bend and you take far longer to mend, then you have matured beyond your mid-life crisis. I think I am there. When I was training hard and fighting, I felt like I was truly a part of the group of 20 somethings that comprised the Fight Team. Now I still train hard but I cant wait to get home and put my feet up. I admire the ability and fitness of the 20 somethings, but I no longer aspire to be like them. If I am sore in the morning I know I am keeping fit and I am happy with that. Dirt bike riding, BMX and acrobatics are what is aging me. Two of these sports I do with my kids as the same two I used to do when I was a kid. Am I trying to recapture my youth? No, because this time around I have evolved the dominant conservative chromosome that I lacked as a teenager. It stops me from stepping over the edge and into the abyss: It reminds me to back off when I have had my fun and not to push my luck. It ensures that I make it back home every night, where I can sit by the fire, next to my wife, with my feet up. I conclude that I have wasted enough nights in Emergency, waiting patiently for the Triage nurse to call me up. I am semi-matured.

Wouldn't You Wear A Helmet Too?

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Mind vs...
by MitchLadymanInk