Lost Without You
By DeziJustQuit
  • Fanfiction
  • direction
  • fate
  • love
  • malik
  • one
  • zayn
  • zoey


First of all, this is NOT a Zayn Malik Fan-Fic. Okay, maybe it is. But it's not one of those "OMG, ILOVEZAYN. WEBUMPINTOEACHOTHERANDFALLINLOVE" type of story. It's a story, starring Zayn and Zoey. So, let's get to the story. P.S. Perry does not exist. If i say something wrong, don't correct me, i could care less if I get his fav food wrong. This is my story, i do what i want with it. My name is Zoey Hernandez, and I fell in love with Zayn Malik when we were 13. It's not the a "I Love 1D And Everyone In It" kind of love. You see, I knew him before he was a member of the hottest boyband in the U.S./ U.K./ Anywhere else. I used to be his next-door-neighbor. We used to hang out all the time. But sadly , on my 15th birthday, he decided that he was going to be apart of this wierd little boyband. Being a loyal girlfriend, I spouted encouragment. But, he started to drift away. I didnt see him as much as i used to. I understood that he had to dedicate some time into his music, but some time turned into some days. I couldn't take it anymore. On our 1 year anniversary, instead of going out to dinner like we promised, he ditched me for One Direction. I broke up with him that night. A Short while after that, he went away for the X Factor. And you all know the rest. Now, 2 years later, things have changed. I have changed. But some thing don't change. And I reunited with that One Thing in the chips section at the grocery store.

Chapter 1 - Present Day

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Lost With...
by DeziJustQuit