My Brother's B...
By Gone_with_the_wind23
  • Romance
  • bondage
  • happiness
  • love
  • selfharm
  • selfhate


Anabelle Smith isn't your average 20 year old. She doesn't go out drinking the night away or sleeping around she does the complete opposite. She isolated herself for 5 months due to a traumatic event that happened to her 4 years ago. She was raped by her boyfriend. She stopped eating and things got so bad that she selfharmed. She'd kept her secret in and it was eating her alive. Her parents had had enough of it all and sent her to a rehabilitation center in London for professional help they didn't care how much it cost them. She spent 4 years there and got back onto her feet still having nightmares. She moves into her brothers house where him and his Bestfriend live. What happens when they have a drunken one night stand and realise it was a mistake. During all this they both do whatever it takes to make each other jealous. Will Sam go to far and make Anabelle go off the rails or will he help her? Read on to find out. self harm, eating disorder, sex, love, hate.

Where it all Started.

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My Brothe...
by Gone_with_the_wind23