Soul (on hiatus)
By poltergeist_people
  • Romance
  • cold
  • coldhearted
  • dark
  • death
  • fantasy
  • hot
  • hotguy
  • kiss
  • love
  • paranormal
  • romance
  • rude
  • rudeguy
  • soul
  • trouble


*mature for lang and possible (probable) 'adult' content heh.* I was about to scream for help when a strange sort of smoke seeped from druggies mouth and entwined itself around tall and dark's hand, running up his arm and illuminating the sharp planes of his face, feeding into his slightly parted lips. I gasped, stumbling back from the scene. His eyes shot up to me, their silvery glow locking me in place as our gazes caught. The druggies body feel between us and the man's eyes seemed to illuminate further before everything was plunged into darkness I was petrified, paralyzed in place, a cool indifferent voice broke the silence. a whisper dangerously close to my ear, "sometimes they are unwanted by heaven or hell. Sometimes they have no where to go, no purpose but to feed those who need it." A scream tore from my throat as I felt a cool hand grasp my wrist and my heart beat rapidly dropping, warm breath against my ear. I was dying. Actually dying. ~Jinx Clemens was not the best daughter, not the best sister, and not the best student. She was just living through her life and causing as much chaos she saw fit, never even bothering trying to hide the trouble she got into. Bored by things easily and easy with her words she always managed to slip past the worst situations...until something new came knocking, something dangerous. something that would flip her world around and throw it to the wolves. Jinx can escape trouble with her faux charm but there wasn't a single soul would could avoid that pesky monster we call death?

Ch 1: The Devil's Heart

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Soul (on...
by poltergeist_people