By UruanInyang
  • Historical Fiction
  • bananarepublics
  • chapter2
  • dictatorship
  • endbadgovernance
  • endsar
  • fraud
  • guile
  • intrigues
  • manufacturedvotes
  • notstrongmen
  • saynotostrongmen
  • stronginstitutions
  • undemocraticpractices


AIRS is the personal life story of Afariougun Makamantirazaria, a semi-retired African military ruler and self-recorded war hero who sets out to document his adventures in power through two cycles in the Presidential Palace. A story of tyranny in its most soporific mutation, it details the "journey" in self-service of the man of uncommon destiny. He takes us from an early childhood of crushing lack, unmitigated child labour and complete loss of innocence through a youth defined by unsettled existence to the commanding heights of professional influence and political power. Indeed early enough, the narrator tries to induce or hypnotize the reader into thinking they are on a trip, with him on duty as tour guide. His story opens with his unexpected and miraculous release from certain-death row straight to the presidential palace (The Rock of Ages). This marks his second tour of duty in power. From there Field Marshal Makamantirazaria, the Balogun Ogbunabali of WasteCoast [pronounced Wartshe-coarse-ash] looks back to recount his own story of grass to affluence, and of a fall from grace to "grave" and back to glory. He sincerely believes his fate is a prophetic story of his homecoming. In any case, he does not understand why the world is reluctant to acknowledge him the Black messiah and is strangely unhinged by this fact. Therefore, he intends to publicize his story abroad as the alternate national history of his country under the presumptuous title of "My Life as a Bridge to My Own Dear Native Land". In three "books' of his memoirs, he details the colonial influence, poverty, violence, intrigues, divisions, despondency, wars and arrested development that headline his own era. He relives what he considers a personal call and heroism forged by accidents of history that litter the path through which he has trod to his mission. As historical faction, these stories are cluttered with an array of characters and global historical personages of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Comedy of Airs

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by UruanInyang