The Nautilus of Tim...
By Avioini
  • Adventure
  • action-adventure
  • ancientprophecy
  • darkfantasy
  • dwarvencraftsmanship
  • elvesandmoonmagic
  • epicjourney
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-romance
  • fatevsfreewill
  • hiddenmagic
  • legendaryartifacts
  • lostknowledge
  • love
  • magic
  • mysteryanddiscovery
  • mysticalcreatures
  • mythandlegend
  • romance
  • secretlanguage
  • timemagic
  • timetravel


Nautilus of Time follows a protagonist chosen by fate to wield an ancient artifact that grants limited control over time, unlocking secrets lost to history. In a world where mystical creatures hide in the shadows and hidden magic weaves through forgotten civilizations, the elves revere the moon as their goddess, wielding moon magic, while dwarves craft legendary objects that shape history. The Nautilus, a book of immense power, holds the key to preventing an impending catastrophe, but only those worthy can uncover its secrets. As the protagonist deciphers the forgotten language of Kiear and unravels the truth behind an ancient prophecy, they must navigate the thin line between destiny and free will, uncovering dark forces that seek to manipulate time for their own ends.

The Nautilus of Time-Part I

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The Nauti...
by Avioini