1 | Shrouded In Mys...
By SkullantacySmith
  • Fanfiction
  • 1800s
  • angst
  • christine
  • christinedaae
  • erik
  • erikdestler
  • familyconflict
  • france
  • friendstolovers
  • gothicromance
  • historical
  • originalcharacter
  • paris
  • phantom
  • phantomoftheopera
  • raoul
  • raouldechagny
  • romancefanfiction
  • slowburn


"What would you do if you were trapped in your favourite musical?" *** Annika Knight has a relatively normal life in the twenty-first century-she goes to college, has two crazy friends, and has enough family drama to occupy her nights. However, this soon changes one night when she is drawn to a disembodied voice calling to her from behind the old mirror in her bedroom. Now in nineteenth-century Paris at the height of the Phantom of the Opera's antics, Annika is forced to navigate an unfamiliar world as she carves out her own narrative alongside the original story of her favourite musical. But as her love for the mysterious masked Phantom blossoms, she is forced with an impossible choice: allow the original story to play out as she has always known it, or divert the story in her favour? *** A Phantom of the Opera fanfiction set in the world of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical of the classic French tale by Gaston Leroux.

| Shrouded In Mystery |

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1 | Shrou...
by SkullantacySmith