When college student Kaito Shirogane takes an unceremonious slip on the ice, he never expects his journey to end in an afterlife waiting room-or to be reborn in the famously chaotic town of Axel. Eager to begin his heroic new life, Kaito signs up for the most "beginner-friendly" quest around: eradicating a few oversized frogs. Unfortunately, those frogs have a habit of making adventurers their lunch. And worse-every time Kaito dies, he jolts awake back at the same inn on the same morning, doomed to repeat his slimy ordeal! Trapped in a magical time loop, Kaito faces a never-ending cycle of frog-infested quests, comical run-ins with Kazuma's bizarre party, and slapstick misfortunes at the Adventurers' Guild. Desperate for answers, he'll need to unravel the mysterious curse behind his perpetual déjà vu. But with explosions primed by an explosion-happy archmage, a fearless (and masochistic) crusader demanding punishment, and a self-proclaimed goddess who's less helpful than advertised, Kaito's path to freedom-and survival-might be the wackiest ride Axel's ever seen!