The Immortal Witness
By inkstainsdaydreams
  • Historical Fiction
  • ancienttexts
  • biblicalscholar
  • centuries
  • christianlegacy
  • divinemystery
  • divinepower
  • eternallife
  • faith
  • guardianofknowledge
  • historicalevents
  • historicalfiction
  • immortality
  • immortalwitness
  • lazarus
  • miracle
  • monasticlife
  • resurrection
  • sacredtexts
  • timelessjourney
  • vatican


The Immortal Witness In the shadowed halls of the Vatican, whispers of the past cling to ancient stones. Among them walks Lazarus, a scholar and guardian of sacred texts, bearing the weight of centuries. Once resurrected by Jesus, Lazarus was reborn into immortality, destined to witness the rise and fall of empires and the evolution of faith. This extraordinary tale follows Lazarus through the ages, from the ancient lands of his birth to the modern-day archives of the Vatican. As he preserves the sacred texts and secrets of Christianity, Lazarus grapples with the eternal question of purpose, faith, and the meaning of his miraculous existence. "The Immortal Witness" is a captivating journey through history, seen through the eyes of a man who can never die, yet carries the burden of eternal life. It is a story of divine mystery, relentless pursuit of knowledge, and the enduring power of faith.

Chapter 1: The Miracle of Bethany

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The Immor...
by inkstainsdaydreams