Dragons have always been the power of House Targaryen and the old Dragon Lords of Valyria. They witness the Fall of Old Valyria and the Conquest of Aegon the Conqueror. The Dragons have seen and even helped with the rise of House Targaryen, the House of the Dragon. That is until the event that eventually wiped dragons off the face of the Realm: The Dance of Dragons. The Civil War that started the Downfall of the House of the Dragon. With that Dark event of the history of the Realm, Dragons have gone extinct. And just like the Symbol, House Targaryen soon followed the dragons into extinction. The Fall of House Targaryen began with King Aerys becoming known as the Mad King, to which he burned those he thought were treasonous with Wildfire. But the spark that lit the powder keg that nearly wiped House Targaryen of the face of the realm was the Tourney at Harrenhal and the Abduction of Lyanna Stark, which led to the deaths of Rickard Stark and his eldest son Brandon Stark. This sparked a war that would be known as Robert's Rebellion. Robert's Rebellion essentially destroyed House Targaryen, leaving only a few Targaryens alive. Viserys Targaryen and the newly born sister Daenerys Targaryen went into exile in Essos. The other sole surviving Targaryen is the new born son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark: Aegon Targaryen. Aegon Targaryen is taken from the Tower of Joy by his uncle Eddard Stark, the new Lord of House Stark and Warden of the North. There he lived under the name Jon Snow, the bastard of Eddard Stark. For years, Jon Snow lived as a bastard, expecting his future to be a soldier of the Night Watch of the Wall. Until, it all changes. Because in the far North, buried in ice, an ancient and powerful creature laid in slumber, waiting for the blood of the Dragon to awaken it from it's slumber. This is a Game of Thrones and Monsterverse crossover. I don't own any of the rights to either. Rights belong to George and the owners of the Monsterverse.