Strange Gifts
By creativitylives
  • Fantasy


"Yes, I can see you... more clearly than you probably realize. I understand every action that you take... and have ever taken. For you see, I can see the depths of your mind. Every thought that has passed through your head can pass through mine. Yes, I can see you but now you realize just what that means." - Devisaty Lock This is the story of five very special children. They must over come several obstacles... and Slavion. They must first train, though, and attempt to live a seemingly normal life. Is this too much to ask of children? Are they strong enough to bear their problems? Can they succeed? This is dedicated to Everyone who has ever wished to be someone else... Anyone who has ever felt alone... Someone who needs a friend... Please read this, comment, and VOTE!!!! Luv you guys!! (^.^)

Chapter One

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Strange G...
by creativitylives