The Memory That Has...
By livlaughsleep
  • Teen Fiction
  • forgotten
  • girls
  • guys
  • jess
  • memory
  • relationships
  • rick
  • teenagers


Something has been forgotten; something has triggered that memory. Jess is having a struggle trying to uncover what she has forgotten. Then she stumbles across something which brings up the shocking memory, and her past is uncovered. Jess lives next door to this arrogant, egomaniac, hot jerk of a guy, Rick. Yes I said hot, but don't get me wrong, she would never get caught thinking that about him! Rick is constantly bugging her, seeing as their neighbours - not by her choice though. The way he treats girls is disgusting, according to Jess, yet he still manages to seduce them with that 'charm' of his. Quite quickly Jess discovers that she has had a memory lose . However she becomes intent on not remembering those memories which were forgotten. Unfortunately for her though, Jess's path has to cross with Rick's. Will she be able to withstand his charm or will she become another one of his countless sluts? Even after all her hard work at avoiding her past, Jess just keeps running into it - not something done by choice - and with its help she slowly, but surly starts to uncover her memory. Then the shocking truth comes out. Will she flee or fight her past? Will she stay or run? Or is the pressure just too much? Find out in The Memory That Has Been Forgotten. Now available on Wattpad. #Sorry about the last two sentences. I've just always wanted to do that, and the temptation was too hard to resist...

Prologue - Cheesy I know.

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The Memor...
by livlaughsleep