I Don't Like B...
By emerypink
  • Teen Fiction
  • america
  • bad
  • boy
  • fiction
  • new
  • school
  • teen
  • wattys2017


Freddie Casen was a normal girl from Bath, England. She wasn't the most popular girl but she had her two best friends. That was all she needed. Until her father got an amazing job offer... In America! Freddie had no choice but to pack up her belonging and move to America with her mother and father. Saying goodbye to her friends was hard, but fitting in at a new school is harder. Freddie seems to actually be noticed by the male gender. The attention from the female gender is very different. Freddie enjoys the attention from Chase, the schools golden boy. However, she finds herself intrigued - and intimidated - by the bad boy, Tyler. Will she fall for the golden boy? Or will she want the boy she can never have?

1. Meet Freddie

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I Don...
by emerypink