Kidnapped by a Wolf...
By bittersweet2129
  • Werewolf
  • alpha
  • demon
  • human
  • kidnapped
  • mates
  • pack
  • romance
  • werewolf


Joyce was kidnapped while taking a late night walk in the forest to clear off her mind. She was sitting by the cliff when a huge wolf emerged from the trees. She was hoping it was just a dream. But it wasn't so she ran for her life. Sebastian has been waiting for the day he meets his mate. When he turned 20 and couldn't find his mate he started being more and more vicious and cold-hearted. On his run he smelt her from a mile away and knew right away she was close. But when he saw her, she ran away from him, which only seem to amused him. Things doesn't seem like it' suppose to be. Joy thought she was just be a regular human girl, but she is actually the long lost daughter of Lord Demon Luther and Anastasia (a werewolf). See what fate ha in store for Joyce and Sebastian.

*Chapter One*

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by bittersweet2129