In a quiet rural town, Elena and her childhood friends-Dan, Jie, Hong, and her mischievous younger brother Eden-have always gathered every year for a trip, their bond growing stronger as they matured. Elena, raised in a family that runs a tomato farm, has always shared a special, unspoken connection with Dan, her closest friend. Over the years, their friendship quietly blossoms into something deeper, with subtle gestures, flowers, and gifts that hint at the love neither of them dares to confess. However, during their third trip after high school, everything changes when Dan arrives with Neasa, his fiancée. He reveals that they've already had an engagement ceremony in Paris, leaving Elena devastated. For years, she had held onto the hope that Dan would one day confess his feelings, but the truth is far more painful than she imagined. Unknown to Elena, Dan had been hiding a secret-he was deeply in love with her, but he had kept it hidden to protect her from the truth of his terminal illness. With a brain tumor threatening his life, Dan chose to marry Neasa, hoping to spare Elena the heartbreak of watching him slowly fade away. The lies, the missed opportunities, and the hidden pain all come to light when Elena discovers a voice-recording doll Dan had gifted her years ago-a confession of love he could never voice aloud. Heartbroken and consumed by guilt, Elena is forced to face the truth that Dan's love was always there, but too much was left unsaid. As she contemplates her future, she resolves to carry the weight of this love, unsure if she will ever truly heal. In the end, she knows that the love she shared with Dan will forever remain part of her, like the tomatoes that grow silently in the fields where they once played. :)