In a class filled with vibrant personalities, life becomes a complicated web of unspoken emotions, lingering pasts, and budding connections. Tangled Hearts follows the story of Nicia Jade Rivera (Nix), a strong-willed and intelligent girl who unexpectedly finds herself at the center of attention. As Nix navigates her role as Vice President, she must also deal with the complexities of her classmates' emotions and the growing tension in their interactions. From the unwavering support of her best friend Chaz, whose quiet actions speak louder than words, to the playful yet intense interest of Kurt, the flirtatious secretary, and the enigmatic presence of Yuri, the campus star-every connection pulls her deeper into a labyrinth of emotions. Calix, the composed and responsible class president, struggles with lingering feelings for his ex, Mika, even as his attention begins to shift toward Nix. Eren, the confident charmer with a string of casual relationships, finds himself captivated by Nix in a way that challenges his usual carefree demeanor. With rivalries, unspoken tensions, and jealousy brewing among the class, Nix must figure out how to navigate the tangled dynamics of her relationships. Will she embrace the vulnerability that comes with love, or will the complexities of classroom connections unravel the bonds they've formed? In Tangled Hearts, every glance, word, and action leads closer to a revelation of the heart's true desires.