With the contestants brutally causing problems in Goiky, the world crumbles into chaos with all the broken structures and biomes that had been diabolically damaged. It's up to an object that has the potential to save everyone, but was she really an object after all? No one ever knew what she really was, supposing she was normal like the others. But soon, she has revealed what potential she has. But with the power, comes a sacrifice. And with a sacrifice, comes a journey of recovery, discovery and hope. "I don't know who I really am... What's wrong with me..?" TW: Contains mild swear words, but sometimes they don't count as swearing. It depends on the person who's reading. But, I used these words on Roblox and they didn't count as swearing so it's fine I guess... Also, blood is contained in chapter 11 and minor blood in chapter 12.