Book Sheikh - Compl...
By JanVanEngen
  • Romance
  • adventure
  • bagsnatching
  • betrayal
  • bookhero
  • camelbackpack
  • danger
  • deadline
  • desert
  • firsttimeflyingsolo
  • friendship
  • guardian
  • lossofparetns
  • lottery
  • love
  • middleeast
  • numberonefan
  • possessiveness
  • revenge
  • secrets
  • sheikh
  • survival
  • threats


Nikki Langley was on a journey of discovering herself, as she followed Hussein Abdul, aka Agent Cobra, in his footprints through Dubai, which she had discovered through his books, written by Sam Walker. It was supposed to be her first big adventure without her guardian breathing down her neck. The minute she arrived in Dubai nothing is that simple, attempted bagsnatching at the airport brought two men into her life. Two men who will change her life forever, and perhaps give her the freedom she craves for. A life of her own. Never expecting it would put her in danger. Having a target on her back. Kharyri al-Imad lived a double life one as a royal head, the other as a writer, aka Sam Walker, only one knew the truth, his most trusted man, his muse and named the hero after him, Hussein. Also had a duty to his people and country and needed to find a suitable wife, and have an heir to secure their future. That didn't include an Australian with a camel backpack who was way out of her depth and happened to turn up everywhere he went. Trouble followed behind her. He couldn't leave her to defend herself, it became obvious someone was trying to scare her. Only to find out she was his number one fan, which could complicate things and could never find out who was as the writer. He had a book to finish, protect her from some unknown enemy, yet wasn't a hundred per cent sure if he wasn't the target, especially when she was threatened in his own country. Has a past betrayal come back to haunt him? Can they come out of this together from the other side and unscathed? And find what they have been looking for that could be right under their noses. Each other.


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Book Shei...
by JanVanEngen