The Reluctant Hero...
By kurenohikari
  • Fanfiction
  • billybatson
  • calliope
  • champion
  • championofmagic
  • constantine
  • dccomic
  • divinefavors
  • dream
  • dreaming
  • family
  • fanfic
  • fantasydrama
  • greekmythology
  • hobgadling
  • hurt-comfort
  • johnconstantine
  • magicaldeities
  • muses
  • reluctanthero
  • romance
  • sandman
  • shazam
  • supernaturalthriller
  • thedreaming
  • timetravel


John didn't ask for this. He didn't sign up to be a hero, a savior, or whatever nonsense the universe seemed to have in mind. Time travel was complicated enough without stumbling across imprisoned magical deities. Yet, here he was-an unwilling do-gooder with a growing list of freed gods, spirits, and eldritch beings who now owed him favors. Not that John wanted their help. He just wanted a quiet life, free from divine drama and cosmic messes. But no, every time he turned around, there was another desperate deity locked up in some ancient relic or cursed dimension. He tried ignoring them. He really did. But then guilt-or perhaps sheer bad luck-always dragged him back. Now he's neck-deep in magical debts, interdimensional grudges, and a timeline so tangled it could strangle a lesser man. The gods might call him a savior, but John knows the truth: he's just tired. Tired of time travel. Tired of magic. And most of all, tired of being the universe's go-to handyman. Someone, please, save *him* this time. Before he snaps and uses all those favors to take a permanent vacation in a timeline where none of this exists. If such a place even exists anymore.

I Constantine's P.O.V

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The Reluc...
by kurenohikari