My Teen Wolf Family
By lozziemarie_xx
  • Fanfiction
  • derek
  • fanfic
  • hale
  • hunter
  • kira
  • kitsune
  • lydia
  • malia
  • mccall
  • melissa
  • moon
  • scott
  • stiles
  • stilinski
  • teen
  • teenwolf
  • werecyote
  • werewolf
  • wolf


//ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE// *** I stepped out of the taxi and handed the driver a handful of notes, turning to watch the car drive until it was just a dot in the distance. I took a deep breath checking I had the right house - which I knew I did because I've been planning this for the past two months - and walked up the front steps to ring the doorbell. After a few agonising minutes the door opened, and there she was. My real mum. *** In which a lost young teen finally finds the family she's been missing since childhood. Follow the ups and downs of a story otherwise known as Nina McCall's life with a reckless brother and his even worse best friend. *** DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters apart from the ones I have added.

Chapter 1

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My Teen W...
by lozziemarie_xx