In a world where cursed spirits lurk in shadows and Jujutsu Sorcerers are humanity's last line of defense, Satomi Gojo, a skilled and ambitious sorcerer, fights her way up the ranks, determined to make her name known. A second-year student under the mentorship of her powerful cousin, Satoru Gojo, Satomi is known for her lethal techniques and unshakable resolve. But when an unexpected promotion is overshadowed by the arrival of Yuta Okkotsu, a first-year who's already attained Special Grade status, Satomi's pride is tested as jealousy and admiration begin to blur. As she grudgingly agrees to train Yuta in hand-to-hand combat, the unlikely pair start to form a unique bond. But just as they begin to break down their own walls, dark forces gather. Geto Suguru, a traitorous sorcerer with twisted ideals, returns to announce an impending war against Jujutsu High, seeking a world free of non-sorcerers. With the looming battle set for December 24th, Satomi and her friends must face inner conflicts and rising tensions, preparing themselves for the ruthless war on the horizon. In *Cursed Rebellion*, loyalty is questioned, ambitions collide, and Satomi finds herself on a perilous path where alliances and enemies are rarely as they seem. Will she have the strength to protect her friends, or will the chaos threaten to consume everything she's worked for? A/n: weekly updates