zninja's NoFap...
By ZachRicca
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Each week, I will add a new chapter, or part, to this chronicle. This will catalog my adventures, fantasies, and what I reach for in nofap. For non-reddit readers, please understand the context. This is my contribution to a writing club in a 6 week no porn, no masturbation challenge. The purpose of this challenge is for those of us who have experienced severe addiction to one or both of these things to learn self-control and freedom once again. Nofap is not fundamentally against masturbation when done healthily and within limits, and encourages safe sex. We are simply guys (and girls) trying to break from our addictions to live productive lives while encouraging those with similar problems to give it a shot. My personal opinions on porn are presented herein. If you do not agree, please do your best to take what you read in context and respect my point of view. Thank you, and enjoy.

Week One: The War Within

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by ZachRicca