X-Reader Hiro Hamada
By chickennugget737
  • Fanfiction


"YOU DARE TEST YAMA>:?!!!!!!!" said the man called Yama. "Hey... its just game, beginners luck?" choked out Hiro, as Yama dragged him out to the alley way. (y/n) with a million of thoughts running through her mind, dashed out to the alley way, into a boy in his teens on his red motorcycle. *CRASH!* (y/n) had just fallen on top of the bike, causing the boy's motor cycle to crash to the cement, but before this occurrence the boy had jumped off to avoid the fall landing on top of (y/n). (Boy's POV) *Flashback* I was chilling out at home, when I noticed Hiro's computer browser blinking. Apparently alerting him of something.. Interested I went over to his side of the room and opened up the browser. *BOT FIGHT ALRET! BOT FIGHT ALRET!* "HIRO YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" Exiting the browser, as I scanned the bottom of the screen to see the location, I ran outside to get my red motorcycle and raced to the bot fight location. *Location: Santoyko St. 987, Ally way.* When I got there, I saw Hiro getting pulled by the collar by a very large man, who apparently called himself Yama. I heard this when I pulled up because Yama was shouting "YOU DARE TEST YAMA???!!" Taking off my helmet to go rush to help Hiro, a girl came out of the bot-fighting, and crashed into me motorcycle. I of course with my ninja skills jumped off and accidently landed on her. *end of flashback*

*Chapter One, Meeting the Hamada Brothers*

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by chickennugget737