The Plan
By directionerforlife1q
  • Fanfiction
  • animals
  • broken
  • fanfiction
  • louistomlinson
  • love
  • onedirection
  • pets
  • romance


Emma Shine. Never have you met a girl quite like her. With her happy demeanor she brightens everybody's day. She's the ray of sunshine behind every rainy cloud. But just like every other object in the universe, the sun has a shadow as well. Just because it isn't visible doesn't mean it isn't there. Emma wants everyone to be happy, even if it made her sad in the process. And her love for animals has no limit, she has been a volunteer worker at a pet shop for many years. But with the failing economy, the pet shop has to close. Meaning; all the pets with no owner won't be staying alive. That's how it's supposed to be apparently. Yet Emma is not one to easily accept that. Even with her own demons chasing behind her every day she tries to safe them. But there isn't enough time, not on her own. Now include a boy band hiding in the pet shop after being chased by some crazed fans. With One Direction's love for animals and Harry's obsession with cats, Louis caught eyes of something more intriguing. Emma. But she is not interested. Boys are no good, they are cheaters, heartbreakers and life-ruiners. Once having a broken heart was enough for her. She doesn't want history to repeat itself. Will louis be able to win her heart that was once completely shattered? And what about the pet shop? Will Emma give Louis a chance to prove himself to her? And most important; How will all this end? Give the story a chance! ****TRAILER ON THE SIDE****

The Plan (Louis Tomlinson)

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The Plan
by directionerforlife1q