I stared the menacing, giant being in the face. His eyes looked like a swirling pool of those galaxy pictures. Pure, unfiltered terror filled me, but I stood my ground. Beads of sweat popped into existence on my forehead. "Step forward, mortal. What is it you want" A voice, deep, and the room vibrated along with his voice, resembling slightly nails on a chalkboard. "I heard you were planning to take Olympus. I want in. They abandoned me. All I wanted was for them to follow me. To worship me like they did my ancestor. But no. Jackson had to go and ruin it. Him and the others." The being, radiating raw terror and power, stared at the boy. He seemed no older than 19, and was painfully thin. His stringy, wheat colored hair was a mess, long and tangled. But he could possibly serve his purpose. He could feel the hate and rage inside him, and he knew that would be usable for his plan "What is your name, mortal?" He whispered in his deep, vibration voice The boy sneered. "I don't have a name anymore. Not since they abandoned me But I used to go by Octavian."
The amazing authors note